Real Tennis

Reference Page

General Information

This Code of Conduct applies to all professionals in Real Tennis and Rackets at every level within the games. In no circumstances should this code be breached.

Investing in Professionals (IiP)

IiP Accreditation and Assessment

IiP includes an accreditation process whereby professionals are assessed against eight areas of competence at each of the three levels. These areas are; Equipment, Coaching, Marking, Professional/Player Development, Business Skills, Court and Club Maintenance, Presentation and Events, Health and Safety. For each level, a professional must evidence that they meet the criteria for all areas.

IiP assessment is completed by the assessment panel. This assessment panel consists of an external Level 3 qualified assessor as well as Professionals who have all achieved at least the same level to that which they are assessing. A minimum of two professionals must be involved in each assessment along with the external assessor. An assessment decision is made and feedback is given to professionals which may include any support they can receive from the mentoring or training programmes embedded into IIP.

IiP Accredited Professionals

  • Nick Wood – Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Ben Ronaldson – Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Chris Bray – Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Jon Dawes – Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Danny Jones – Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Josh Smith – Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Kees Ludekens – Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Tom Durack – Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Rob Fahey - Level 1 and Level 2*
  • Ben Taylor-Matthews - Level 1 and 2*
  • Bryn Sayers - Level 1 and 2*
  • Neil Mackenzie - Level 1 and 2*
  • Mark Hobbs - Level 1 and 2*
  • Peter Paterson - Level 1 and 2*
  • Will Burns - Level 1 and 2*
  • Nino Merola - Level 1 and 2*
  • Lewis Williams - Level 1 and 2*
  • Levi Gale - Level 1 and 2*
  • Alex Machin - Level 1
  • Jim Ludekens - Level 1
  • Jack Josephs - Level 1
  • James Ryan - Level 1

Level 2* indicates that the professional has achieved IiP level 2, but they have not been graded against the normal pass, merit or distinction levels available. Theoretically a level 2* may have the capability to be at any of these three standards, but the assessment process didn’t allow for this level of scrutiny. The reason for this was because IiP was bringing current professionals into the system, many of whom had previous qualifications and/or experience as a professional. To take this into account fairly, current professionals that could evidence that they had significant previous qualifications or experience as a Real Tennis professional were able to apply for a special recognised prior learning (RPL) route. This RPL route was a less rigorous assessment process, although it still required a professional evidencing all elements of the logbook. Because this process isn’t the same as the normal route, a level 2* is awarded to clearly show that the professional has achieved level 2 but the further grading system was not able to be applied. A professional at level 2* is able to update their logbook and be re-assessed through the full route at any point if they wish.

Club Professional Development (Legacy)

Club Professional Development (CPD) was a Skills Development Programme for UK based Club Professionals. Regular discussion took place with the T&RA via the Tennis Committee, RTPA, CPD Executive and T&RA CEO to ensure the content of the programme was applicable.

The CPD workshop programme was one aspect of career development for Real Tennis professionals, of value to both clubs and professionals. From its start in 2010, the objective of the workshop programme was to provide skills development opportunities for both young and experienced professionals.

The CPD programme - four threads: Personal and Management Skills; Marking; Coaching; and Equipment. Each of these threads had a workshop programme currently covering up to three levels. Workshops, all lasting one day, were held at various clubs around the UK.

CPD Qualifications - February 2017

Management: (G Tomkinson). 35 experienced professionals were eligible for Level 2 and above, 34 had passed at Levels 2 or above:

  • Level 3:(5) J Dawes (merit), D Jones, C Bray, N Wood, C Ronaldson
  • Level 2:(25) K King, K Ludekens, S Blaber, J Law, P Paterson, A Lyons, B Ronaldson, B Taylor-Matthews, L Taylor, S Brockenshaw, A Phillips, T Granville, W Burns, A Knibbs, A Davis, C Greenhalgh, M Seigneur, T Durack , R Hall-Smith, A Fowler , B Sayers, C Chapman, J Smith, D Long and A Player
  • Level 1: Z Eadle, L Gordon (merit), J Brodie, J Ryan, N Merola, A Flippence, B Bomford

Marking: (N Wood). 23 professionals passed their Levels 2 and above:

  • Level 3: (9) A Lyons, A Phillips, M Ryan, C Swallow, C Bray, T Durack, A Fowler, N Wood, D Jones
  • Level 2: (15) P Patterson, J Dawes, J Law, B Taylor-Matthews, L Taylor, S Brockenshaw, D Long, W Burns, A Knibbs, C Greenhalgh, B Sayers, C Chapman, B Ronaldson (merit), L Gordon, J Ryan

Coaching: (D Jones). The following have attended the coaching workshop:

  • Level 2: (13) K Ludekens, S Blaber, J Dawes, L Taylor, S Brockenshaw, C Bray, M Seigneur, A Davis, C Greenhalgh, T Durack, A Fowler, N Wood, J Smith

Equipment: (S Ronaldson). 22 professionals attended the workshop on advanced techniques.