What we do
What is the T&RA?
The T&RA is the governing body for the sports of Real Tennis & Rackets. We are responsible for the promotion, growth and governance of both sports in the UK.

Aims and Objectives
The T&RA's objectives are restricted specifically to the advancement of amateur sport for the benefit of the public by the encouragement of participation in Real Tennis and Rackets through such means as the directors think fit including but not limited to:
- acting as the governing body for Real Tennis and Rackets in the United Kingdom;
- organising Real Tennis and Rackets tournaments and other events at which Real Tennis and Rackets are played;
- increasing participation in Real Tennis and Rackets by those under 18 years of age and by under-represented groups including those with disabilities; and
- providing grants to clubs, schools and universities to assist in the provision of facilities for Real Tennis and Rackets.
The Role of the Association
These are some of the many activities which the T&RA does for the games and its membership:
- To act as the Authority for the laws of both games, and to be the custodian of their history and traditions.
- To provide essential leadership and governance to both games via a Board of Directors and Games Committees for both sports.
- To advise on, and where possible help to finance, the construction, restoration and maintenance of courts in the UK.
- To co-ordinate and fund the training of Real Tennis and Rackets professionals in the UK.
- To arrange sponsorship for competitions and ensuring continued external support for the future.
- To work closely with the Professionals' Associations and the Ladies Association.
- To organise national competitions and championships at all age levels and co-ordinate the UK national fixtures calendar.
- To recruit more young people into both games by supporting coaching, tournaments and other events for schools, clubs and universities.
- To develop the champions of the future by supporting coaching programmes such as the Academy and Development Squads - and by partnering with specialists such as the Dedanists and Performance Brunel Ltd to facilitate delivery.
- To manage the internal and external communications, including the provision of a website for both games, and the production of an Annual Report for all members.
- To fund, direct and manage the on-line Tennis players' handicap system and the on-line Neptune World Rackets Ranking System.
- To collaborate closely with the two Trusts associated with the games, the DBTRAF and the Young Professionals' Fund, to provide grants in support of our Objects.
- To co-ordinate participation initiatives with the aim of increasing activity in both sports.
- To co-ordinate and direct the efforts of numerous volunteers for the mutual benefit of all.
- To provide Health and Safety advice to all clubs and schools, co-ordinate national Safeguarding standards and offer Public Liability Insurance to all members.
- To manage the finances of the Association, including the production and execution of a sustainable annual budget.
Why Join...
The games of Tennis and Rackets are being played by around 4000 people in the UK, many of them students and school children.
As members of Tennis or Rackets Clubs they are enjoying their games, enjoying their Clubs, and enjoying the company of other sportsmen and women who share a passion for these games. As Club players they are also required to contribute a small amount to the administration and maintenance of the games and the facilities used for them. This basic contribution will also ensure that each individual playing the game will have his or her details entered onto the National Handicap System which will maintain and manage their handicap.
In addition members will be eligible to take up an honorary appointment on any one of the Association's committees for the management of the sports; and to feel that, through this modest amount they are making a significant contribution to the future and the perpetuation of both games.

If players wish to enter any of the many T&RA sponsored Tennis or Rackets competitions and championships, then they are required to be a full member of the T&RA Ltd. This will not only enable entry to various individual and inter-Club competitions at a subsidised rate, but entitle each individual member to:
- Enrolment on International Tennis Handicap and Rackets Ranking systems
- Inclusion on the T&RA's Public Liability insurance policy, covering members against any on-court claim
- Receive the T&RA Ltd's Annual Report, newsletters and annual fixture list
- Receipt of T&RA Passport which permits the member to play at UK clubs without paying a guest fee. The number of times per year this policy applies is at the discretion of each club
An application form can be accessed via the button below – and should be submitted to the Association offices.
In accordance with its charitable objects, the T&RA is concerned with the advancement of amateur sport and is dedicated to preserving and strengthening the games of Tennis and Rackets for the public benefit throughout the UK.
In support of this objective, grants are available to schools, universities and clubs who have the necessary facilities to play either or both of the games, or who are interested in so doing, under the following broad headings:
- Courts - for new court projects or for the improvement of the structure and facilities of existing courts;
- Professionals - for the training and development of the professionals who are essential to the coaching of new and existing players;
- Participation - for programmes to encourage greater participation across all ages and genders in both games, particularly with the young; and
- Other - any other project which would lead to greater exposure of the games and thereby increase interest and participation.
Grants will be by way of a contribution to the total cost of the project in line with guidelines approved by the Board of the T&RA. In making decisions about grants the T&RA must be satisfied that:
- the proposed grant would be an appropriate and effective way of utilising the T&RA's assets to advance its charitable objects in terms of expediency and risk;
- the grant would be used by the recipient to advance the T&RA's charitable objects;
- the grant will generate identifiable public benefit;
- the grant will not confer an unacceptable private benefit;
- the grant will not give rise to adverse reputational issues for the T&RA; and
- appropriate documentation will be put in place in respect of the grant.
The T&RA, through the General Fund and the Young Professionals' Fund, works closely with two other charitable entities, the Dick Bridgeman TRA Foundation and the Peter Kershaw Bursary Fund.
Over the past five years grants have been awarded by these four entities totalling £383k, primarily on the following: £77k on Participation, including the schools' and universities' initiatives; £87k on Professionals' training and development and £156k on Courts with investments in the second Rackets court at Tonbridge School and the new Tennis court at Wellington College, as well as improvements at Malvern College (refurbishment of Rackets court), Canford School (penthouses), Jesmond Dene (floor repairs), Seacourt (new roof) and Petworth (improved facilities) plus initial architects fees on the development project to find a way to build Tennis courts at a significantly lower cost. Further commitments are in the pipeline totalling almost £150k payable over the next two to three years mainly in support of professionals and court improvement projects.
Applications for grants should be made in writing (electronic acceptable) to the T&RA Chief Executive with, inter alia, a description of the project, the total expected cost, the anticipated funding and a cost/benefit analysis where appropriate.
More information can be obtained about the T&RA's grant making policy by contacting the T&RA Office on 020 7835 6937 or office@tennisandrackets.com