Business & Financial Case Pro Forma
Pro Forma
This paper sets out on a pro forma basis a proposal for an institution seeking to develop a new Real Tennis court
The proposal needs to be well researched and professionally prepared, and should broadly be along the following lines.
The purpose of the paper: who are you addressing (Chairman of Governors, Chancellor, Club Chairman, etc.), what are you looking to develop, where and why.

Background to Real Tennis
Beginnings and current state of the game; number of courts in UK and worldwide; who plays (age, sex, singles, doubles); handicap system; growth in recent years.
Real Tennis in Schools and Universities
If the proposal is for a court (or two) at a school or university, cover what is happening in this area and how this has developed over recent years (number of schools/universities with courts, number of others playing and entering competitions); what court usage can be expected from and reserved for the students and those from other local institutions.

Real Tennis in Local Communities
Details of other courts in the local area (if any); likely demand from local catchment area; names of specific local enthusiasts and supporters; ambition in terms of local membership and participation including the approach to recruitment
Planning Approval
Initial soundings with local planning authority and likelihood of receiving satisfactory approval in this regard.
Likely cost of proposed development including land (if applicable), construction, fitting out, professional fees and VAT; it would be helpful to have professional (QS) support for the figures quoted.
Basis of Operation
Suggested structure of the school/university/club arrangements, including optimum membership, court usage and governance; is the club to have charitable status and how is this to be achieved; how would the club satisfy the Charity Commission requirements for public benefit, etc.

Finance required and likely sources including land (hopefully contributed by school/university/sports club); donations from major benefactors; grants from the T&RA and Sport England; smaller donations from the local and wider Real Tennis community; debentures and loans.

Cost/Benefit Analysis
An analysis covering the assumptions used and the likely income and expenditure over time split between Capital Account (initial Grants and Donations, Debentures and Loans offset by Developments Costs and Interest on Debentures & Loans including Repayment thereof) and Revenue Account (Membership Subscriptions and Court Fees, offset by ongoing Operational Costs [professionals, balls, lighting, maintenance, etc]).
It would be sensible to provide some sensitivity analysis on this covering best, worst and most likely scenarios, with the detail provided in an appendix
Risk Analysis
An analysis of the major hurdles to be overcome and strategies for addressing each: planning, funding, membership, professionals, etc.
This needs to pick out the five or so key aspects of the proposed development
Next Steps
What needs to be done next, by whom and by when.