Washington Court Tennis - Save the Date & Last Chance to Give
Our friends in Washington are well on their way to completion of the project at Westwood Country Club.
The exterior of the new building (housing Real Tennis, lawn tennis, and mezzanine bar) is complete, and work has begun on the floor, with the Moreton-Morell project providing much useful guidance. Colour selection for the floor is due to take place tomorrow, so there is still a chance to lobby your Washington friends for hot pink. Despite supply chain delays, the court is expected to be completed by mid-summer, with the international opening gala from November 3-6. Please save the date; all will be welcome.
The T&RA anticipates that any last donations to the project will be Gift Aid eligible if made by 1st March. The T&RA intends to reclaim all Gift Aid, subject to compliance from the donor in early March and forward the sums collected to the USCTPF, a US registered charity, for the Washington Court project.
You can see the outline of where the penthouses will be, the beginning of the floor, the mezzanine and the hole for the basket.