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The Hardwick "Round Britain Chase" Challenge Salver

Jul 23, 2010
The Mjolnirs have taken up that challenge!

Last year the Hardwick Committee offered a Challenge to any 4 players to play an hour of doubles at every club in Britain and beat the current time of 5 days and 6 hours.

This club of travelling rackets players is looking to add the Salver to their overflowing trophy cabinet and so at 05:30 on Wednesday 11th August, James Coyne, Chris Wilson, Ali Gourlay and Dom Wright will play their first match at Falkland Palace. Playing 5 or 6 courts a day we hope to play the final match at Queen's on Saturday 14th at 18:00. It’s quite an aggressive schedule but we hope that our efforts will be rewarded by plenty of donations to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Sponsorship details can be found at or by contacting Dom Wright

The Robertson family last year raised £4k for the Society and we aim to match or exceed that this year.

Spectators at any of the matches will be greatly appreciated, particularly at Queen's where there will be a big party in the Dedans afterwards.

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