Latest updates and Hand-picked resources.
Ben Matthews leads Bryn Sayers 1-0 after the first session at Prested
Personal message from Jacques Pouyot: President of the Comit� Fran�ais
Bryn Sayers has won his first major open title in New York last night.
Neptune Women's Rackets Challenge upset at Malvern College and spirited performance from Will Vanston.
A message from Patrick Reuser President - huis ter kleef
Additionally Freddy Adam won the George Plimpton Prize for artistic excellence. Awarded at the USCTA Annual Dinner, held on Friday 9th December. Rep...
To be held at The Racquet & Tennis Club New York From 19th to the 26th of January 2012
Premiership Real Tennis The Dedanists now have a team in the Premier Division of the National League - and play Queen's on Thursday at Queen's and on...
Matty Ronaldson selected as new Senior Professional at Middlesex University Real Tennis Club
The Racquet Club of Chicago's Board of Governors is very pleased to announce the decision to restore the club's original Real Tennis court.
Claire Vigrass successful defends her titles
David Norman was approved by the T&RA membership to become the new President, in succession to Richard Greenwood.
In the interests of safety a formal review of the Position of the Marker was undertaken under the direction of the Tennis Committee
The following changes have been agreed in respect of players with dormant handicaps i.e. no results recorded on RTO for twelve months.
An amendment to RTO to assist tournament organisers and UK tennis clubs in the organisation of national and club-level competitive doubles matches
Camden Riviere wins 2011 US Pro Singles playing for the Schochet Cup 6/2,6/1,6/3
Update provided by the programme developers, Nick Wood and Graham Tomkinson
Coyne and Hopton's Challenge for World Doubles title is turned down
Played in Melbourne - Saturday 14th May 2011
The Rackets World Championship Doubles held in March 2011 used a modified Bateman cartoon to promote the event here and in North America, and a number...
A handicap doubles tournament at Bayone, La Bastide Clairence and Pau 27 Sep - 2 Oct
Alex Titchener-Barrett and Tim Cockroft beat World Doubles Champions Mark Hue Williams and Harry Foster 4-2 at The Queen's Club to become the new Worl...
Varsity match updates - live on Real Tennis TV, with a further new exciting broadcast coming up
Transfer of Newmarket Real Tennis Club from private ownership to "Members Club" - �2000 to collect
Fully endorsed and supported by the T&RA - for the future of Real Tennis
A note from the Handicaps and Ranking Sub-committee
Join the elite band of Rackets tournament referees - see below
Results from the inaugural tournament at Radley
Due to large entry the Amateur Singles starts ahead of schedule!
Will Hopton defeats newcomer Christian Portz in Sunday's final!
Result R Fahey/S Virgona beat T Chisholm/C Medlow 6/1 6/3 6/3
First results on-line and tickets continue to sell quickly
Malvern offically opens its newly refurbished Rackets Courts on Saturday 13th November, 2010
Claire pipped at the post for Award
The article on Real Tennis in the Wall Street Journal 4 November 2010
October 1st - 3rd 2010 � Pau, France Report by Graham Tomkinson
The IRTC has recently approved a changes to the arrangements for classifying and recording results for Category 1 players and a number of other handic...
The IRTC has recently approved a changes to the arrangements for classifying and recording results for Category 1 players and a number of other handic...
The Championship Court gallery will be rebuilt which will produce world class viewing facilities to the home of Rackets.
New Facebook link for Tennis and Racket playing university students
World Real Tennis Champion Rob Fahey Rackets Challenge