tennis NEWS

Brodie Cup 2015/16

Mar 14, 2016
Leamington beat RTC 3-2 to win the Brodie Cup at the Hyde

Brodie Cup Draw

The Pol Roger Brodie Cup Final 2016!

Once again the Brodie Cup was held down in sleepy Dorset at the Hyde Real tennis Club, but this time two teams were contesting that had never won the tournament before: The Royal Tennis Court (Hampton Court Palace) and Leamington.

Leamington were keen as mustard and organised not only for many practice sessions the day before at the Hyde, but also for crates of beer to arrive in a constant flow as it seemed a necessary part of their training. To throw an even larger spanner in the works, they deemed it wise to bring down not one, but two of their professionals as Ben Taylor-Matthews and his assistant Liam joined in the 48 hours of revelry. John Lillie (their captain) did put his foot down on the Saturday night at 11pm as he declared curfew, just as some of his more roaming sheep toyed with the idea of hitting the tiles.

The RTC took a rather more reserved approach with no showing on the Saturday save for Owen Saunders who took on one of our members here for a pre-match warm up. The London team made the long trek in the morning and arrived for a quick practice at 10:15.

The Tournament began at 11:00 on the Sunday with Leamington snatching an early lead as Simon Gill and Craig Swallow managed to see off Isabel Candy and Saverio Campione 6/3 6/3. The rubbers tied at 1-1 as Alex Rozier-Pamplin (the undeniable bandit of the tournament) trounced Rob Allsop 6/0 6/1. Matt Fattorini (Leamington) then managed to see off Martin Daly in straight sets, but John Mather levelled the tournament once again after a close three setter against Hans Bilson.

It was all down to the last match and the dedans was as wild as it has ever been. The first set was really quite tight as Leamington's captain John Lillie and super-sub Chris Kroeger managed to sneak it 6/3 against Owen Saunders and Matthew Webb. The second set was a different affair as Leamington went from strength to strength whilst the wheels seemed to come off a little at the other side of the net.

Leamington beat RTC 3/2!

Huge thanks as always goes to Pol Roger for paying for this wonderful event and providing the prizes.

Victorious Leamington Brodie Cup team


Leamington beat RTC 3-2

45 Doubles: Simon Gill & Craig Swallow bt Isabel Candy & Saverio Campione 6/3 6/3

30 Singles: Rob Allsop lost to lex Rozier-Pamplin 0/6 1/6

40 Singles: Matt Fattorini bt Martin Daly 6/3 6/4

50 Singles: Hans Bilson lost to John Mather 3/6 6/5 2/6

35 Doubles: John Lillie & Chris Kroeger bt Owen Saunders & Matt Webb 6/3 6/1

Great weekend in Dorset


RTC beat Prested 4-1

30 Singles: Alex Rozier-Pamplin beat Chris Lindsey 6/2 6/4

35 Doubles: Elvira Campione & Owen Saunders beat Chris Vigrass & Clive Turner 6/2 6/5

40 Singles: Martin Daly beat Will Hunter 0/6 6/5 6/4

45 Doubles: Isabel Candy & Paul Newton lost to Richard Lidstone-Scott & James Lloyd-Roberts 6/5 4/6 3/6

50 Singles: Doug Seperdigian beat Vince Lucey 6/1 6/0

Leamington beat MCC 4-1

35 Doubles: John Lillie & Andy Dixon lost to Ben Pilgrim & Francis Moore 1/6 6/2 3/6

30 Singles: Rob Allsop beat Chris Thomas 6/2 5/6 6/3

40 Singles: Matt Fattorini beat James Coley 6/5 0/6 6/5

50 Singles: Hans Billson beat Phil Devlin 6/5 6/5

45 Doubles: Simon Gill & Craig Swallow beat Tony Friend & James Whiting 6/1 6/1



30 Singles Doug Shepedigian bt Fiona Fountain 6/1 6/0

35 Doubles E Campione & O Saunders bt C Butler & P Mawson 6/2 6/0

45 Doubles I Candy & P Newton bt T Tomalin & D Weston 6/1 6/0

40 Singles Martin Daly bt Richard Oldham 6/3 6/5

30 Singles Paul Wright bt Simon Constantine 6/4 6/3


30 Singles Colin Sprott lost to James Thomas 6/4 5/6 3/6

35 Doubles Thom Mitchell & John Eddis bt Mark Perritan & G. Weller 6/4 6/3

40 Singles Chris Vigrass lost to Ross Smythe 6/4 4/6 2/6

45 Doubles James Lloyd-Roberts & Richard Lidstone-Scott bt Chritie Marriam & Geral Smith 6/0 6/1

50 Singles Bill Rudman bt Michael Firth 6/3 6/2

Leamington beat Holyport 3-2

30 Singles - Rob Allsop bt Jill Newby 6/5 6/0

40 Singles - Matt Fattorini lost to James Hayward 3/6 4/6

50 Singles - Hans Billson bt Vernon Morris 6/3 4/6 6/3

35 Doubles - Andy Dixon & John Lillie lost to George Peel & Oliver Buckley 5/6 6/3 3/6

45 Doubles - Simon Gill & Craig Swallow bt Colm O'Shea & Martyn Rowlands 6/3 6/5

MCC beat Oxford 3-2

45 Doubles J Whiting & T Hemingway bt K Leppard & E Leach 6/2 6/3

30 Singles C Thomas bt R Nathan 5/6 6/2 6/4

40 Singles J Coley lost to T Dadd 3/6 3/6

50 Singles P Devlin bt J Clark 4/6 6/5 6/5

35 Doubles F Moore & B Pilgrim lost to A Flint & M Fischel 1/6 6/4 3/6

First Round

HARDWICK beat PETWORTH 3-2 (after adjustment)

45 Doubles G Johnstone & T Tomalin lost to T Parker & H Hodgson 2/6 3/6*

30 Singles S Constantine beat Bill Chambers 2/6 6/3 6/5

40 Singles I Whittaker lost to S Armstrong 5/6 6/5 3/6

50 Singles C Nicholls lost to S Alison 3/6 5/6

35 Doubles C Butler & P Mawson lost to J Butcher & Nick Chambers 4/6 1/6*

* Result reversed by stewards


30 Singles: Rob Allsop lost to Bernard Weatherill 6/0 5/6 0/6

40 Singles: Matt Fattorini bt Mark Jaggers 6/4 6/1

50 Singles: Hans Billson lost to Leo Boddington 2/6 0/6

35 Doubles: Andy Dixon & John Lillie bt Tim Robinson & Rupert Henson 6/4 6/5

45 Doubles: Simon Gill & Aled Griffiths bt Maggie Henderson-Tew & Lorrayne Garcie 6/1 6/2


30 Singles: Simon Webster v. Andrew Mountain 6/3 6/4

35 Doubles: Oliver Buckley & Richard Lawrence v. Graham Heap & Matt Kaye 6/4 5/6 6/2

40 Singles: James Heywood bt Ian Waddlelow 6/2 6/1

45 Doubles: Colm O’Shea & Max Merryweather bt John Mortimer & Dave Stevinson 6/2 6/3

50 Singles: Vernon Morris bt George Loup 6/5 6/1


45 Doubles: Christie Marrian & Gerald Smith bt Jonathan Platt & Christopher Willows 6/2 6/2

50 Singles: Michael Firth bt David Pearce 6/3 6/0

35 Doubles: Mark Perriton & Gary Weller bt Sam Beale & Ivo Shields 6/1 6/3

40 Singles: Ross Smythe lost to William Carbutt-Todd 6/2 4/6 1/6

30 SIngles: James Thomas bt Alex Mullan 6/0 6/0


30 Singles Colin Sprott W/O

35 Doubles John Eddis & Toby Bawden bt Alan Douglas & Simon Johnston – 6/1 6/0

40 Singles Murray Lane bt Tony Harrison 6/5 6/1

45 Doubles William Hunter & James Lloyd-Roberts bt Nigel Penna & Graeme Urwin 6/3 6/4

50 Singles Vince Lucey bt Andy Marwick 6/3 6/2


45 Doubles J Whiting & T Hemingway bt F Holland & N Mills 5/6 6/1 6/1

30 Singles C Thomas bt A Hamilton 6/2 6/2

40 Singles J Coley bt K Higgins 6/3 6/3

50 Singles P Devlin lost to M Maclure 6/4 2/6 2/6

35 Singles F Moore & B Pilgrim bt M Trees & A Moug 6/4 6/2

HATFIELD lost to RTC 2-3

30 Singles Nick Brodie lost to Alex Rozier-Pamplin 2/6 1/6

40 Singles Chris Handley lost to Martin Daly 5/6 2/6

50 Singles Nick Pickard lost to Doug Sheperdigian 2/6 1/6

35 Doubles Martin Richards & George Foxall beat Owen Saunders & Elvira Campione 5/6 6/2 6/4

45 Doubles Rob Stewart & Alistair Hunter beat Paul Newton & Isabelle Candy 6/1 5/6 6/2


30 Singles Charlie Defries beat K.Nelson 6/2 6/1

40 Singles Mark Bale beat Simon Flynn 3/6 6/3 6/0

50 Singles Jonathan Clark lost to Huw Thomas 1/6 2/6

45 Doubles C.Lintott & R.Perera beat L.Jameson & G.Willis 6/3 6/1

35 Doubles J. De Pourtales & M.Fischel lost to J.Garside & A.Flippance 1/6 1/6

Preliminary Round


45 Doubles - Colm O’Shea & Max Merryweather v Tufan Dirik & Yuri Kugler – 6/1 4/6 6/5

30 Singles - Simon Webster v Rupert Derham – 6/0 6/5

40 Singles - James Heywood v Mark Heffernan – 6/2 6/5

50 Singles - Christopher Figg v David Offen – 5/6 1/6

35 Doubles - Richard Lawrence & Oliver Buckley v Johnny Bruce & Frank Goulbourn – 6/2 6/2


David Pearce bt Simon Wetton 0/6 6/5 6/2

James Dron & Chris Willows bt Peter Buckley & David Fox 6/4 6/3

Will Carbutt-Todd bt David Sarson 6/3 6/3

Alex Mullan bt Mike Box 6/0 6/1

Sam Beale & Charlie Crisp bt Michael Seymour & Fergus Brownlee 4/6 6/1 6/5


Nick Pickard bt Graham Smith 6/3 6/1

Chris Handley bt John Burnett 6/4 6/1

Tim Poolman bt Nick Brodie 6/1 6/3

Martin Richards & George Foxall bt Ken Smith & Colin Clifton-Brown 6/0 6/3

Jim Foxall & Robert Stewart bt Eric Nutter & Derrick Wells


Howard Shipstone lost to Fred Pilkington 3/6 2/6

Martin Trees & Alan Moug bt Alexander Coldicott & Justin Hughes 6/1 6/2

Andrew Hamilton bt Michael Lingens 6/1 6/1

Mark Maclure bt Vikki Leitch 6/3 6/2

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