tennis NEWS

British Over 70 Amateur Singles & Doubles Championship

Apr 09, 2017
7th - 9th April at Wellington Real Tennis Club

Draw 2017

Wellington had the honour of hosting the Over 70’s Singles and Doubles British Open on 8/9th April 2017. The draw boasted 9 pairs in the doubles and 12 players in the singles. The early rounds saw no upsets in the singles and doubles and the seeded pairs progressed through to the semi-final stages. John East, World Over 70’s champion and No 1, seed faced Dick Tanfield (4) in the first semi-final, which saw Dick race off to a unassailable lead with clinical precision in all areas despite John’s valiant efforts. Dick was too clinical on the day and won a place in the final with a 6-1 win. The second semi-final was between John Ward (2) and Robin Barlow (3). Whilst Robin was at the top of his game,John was struggling to get a rhythm. inevitably the score was tied at 5 games all and John Ward managed to secure the service end and served the match out to win the set 6-5. The much-anticipated final was one 8 game set. The final was well supported by players and members and they were spell bound by the quality of the match. John had a very clear game plan,playing to a much higher standard, by pinning Dick down in the service end and not let him settle into rally situations. The strategy worked very effectively and despite tactical changes by Dick he was not allowed to find his previous days form. John went on to win the final for the 7th successive year, 8-1.

Singles - John Ward beat Dick Tanfield 8/1

The doubles produced some of the best tennis over the weekend with many close and exciting matches. The seeds progressed through to the semi-finals where John Ward & Willie Wilks (1) met Dick Tanfield & Richard White (4). The number four seeds pushed, attacked, cajoled the number one pair throughout the match but struggled to find a chink in their armour to exploit and John and Willie reached the final with an impressive 8/5 win. The second semi was even more impressive with John Pickup and David Brazier (3) taking on Robin Barlow and John East (2)- Both pairs where on fine form and played the game to perfection- no one was surprised to see the match levelled at 7 games all after a very entertaining hour of high class play and tactics. John East and Robin Barlow secured the service end and it was a critical move in the match which secured them the win and a place in the final. The final was another exciting and tactical affair with both Ward and Willks and East and Barlow dominating the early stages of the match. Eventually there was a breakthrough and John East and Robin Barlow grabbed it with both hands and secured the victory with a 8/5 win.

Not to be out down the handicap doubles final was hard fought for by Paul Butler & David Bevan Thomas against Clive Picton & Derek Raphael. Both pairs put on a first class show of real tennis but Paul and David found the winning edge and won the final 8-5.

Doubles - John East & Robin Barlow beat John Ward & Willie Wilks 8/5

Doubles Handicap – Paul Butler & David Beven Thomas bt Clive Picton & Derek Rafeal 8/5

As always a big thank you to the T&RA,Neptune the sponsors, and Dan Jones and Adam Player for their superb organisation and excellent marking to make the event such an success, and to Paul Danby for presenting the prizes.

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