Boomerang 2020
Brigands Wood is Good Boomerang Cup 2020 Champions
After two gruelling weeks of handicap doubles Derrick Wells and his merry band of travellers, playing under their customary Brigands moniker, finally
achieved the long-awaited dream of winning the Boomerang Cup. It took 7 attempts but the goal has been attained. They defeated the United States Secret
Service in the final.
The Plate was won by the RMTC Mavericks, a late-formed team. They played the Holyport Healers, another late-formed team consisting entirely of fill
ins, only half of whom are Holyport members.
The RMTC Handicap Doubles provided two good finals with Paul Bollerman and Stephanie Zaaijer winning the A Division, beating Derrick and Charlie Wells,
and James and Julie Levy winning the B Division beating Anders Cohen and Chris Nobes.
Again many thanks to the organising committee and everyone who made the tournament possible. It was a wonderful two weeks with many, many tight and
tense handicap doubles matches but also great sportsmanship and generosity by all players.