About Us

T&RA Benefactor Scheme

Need for Money

The T&RA finances are in a reasonable state, despite providing support to those in need and ever growing demands to support apprentice Tennis and Rackets professionals. We have managed to cover routine expenditure from our annual subscription revenue, which goes towards subsidising play, especially schools and juniors. But the Association faces a real risk that it will not have the resources to meet the large and irregular requests it receives to provide more enduring support to our games. These generally fall into two main areas:

- Recruitment and improvement of training professionals;

- Restoration of existing courts; and

- Development of new courts.

It is critical that we enable the next generation of professionals by attracting and recruiting new players into our games, which, in turn, will inspire both young and old to realise their potential and achieve their dreams. Both games are suffering from an ageing professional profile and a serious shortage of young professionals which, if not addressed urgently, will leave many Clubs and Schools without a suitably equipped professional team able to teach to a high level and to support the courts’ economic operations. Once the youngsters are committed, we want to retain them and train them to support their clubs better. With your support, the T&RA is the major stakeholder in the Investing in Professionals programme for Real Tennis and aims to develop something similar for Rackets, so that future players can be as fortunate as many of us have been to be taught and inspired by great coaches. You will see from the financial statements that the number of people employed by the T&RA has increased due to the number of apprentice professionals.

Equally, the generosity of historic donors and Benefactors has allowed the Association to make significant contributions to refurbish the match court at Rugby School and assist with the Rackets court galleries at Eton College; and improvement projects, including streaming facilities and equipment at a number of Tennis clubs around the country, that have greatly enhanced the playing opportunities and experience for our members in many different parts of the country. We have been able to support new, environmentally-friendly LED lighting projects across much of the UK. These challenges and opportunities will keep coming…

Benefactor Benefits

Aside from the regular benefits of being a T&RA member, together with recognition in the Annual Report and online, Benefactors also receive an invitation to an annual drinks party, where the Chairman provides an update on recent projects and developments. In addition, you will receive the Benefactor’s tie, or brooch for the ladies, on joining. Becoming a Benefactor is a perfect way to contribute to the future prosperity of our games that have given us so much pleasure over the years. Become a Benefactor and support this initiative.

If you are willing to become a Benefactor and contribute a minimum of £300 per annum (including your annual subscription), contact the Membership Secretary, at the T&RA’s office at Queen’s. Many thanks again for your kind and generous support.

Benefactor Benefits

The benefits of becoming a Benefactor include all the regular benefits of being a member of the T&RA together with:

  • recognition in the Annual Report and on the website
  • priority booking of tickets for major events
  • an annual Benefactors’ Cocktail Party
  • in addition, you will receive the Benefactor’s tie, or brooch for the ladies, on joining

Becoming a Benefactor is a wonderful way to contribute to the future prosperity of our games that have given us so much pleasure over the years. I very much hope that you will join me in supporting this initiative. If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you will be able to claim gift aid on your payments other than in your first year as a Benefactor where, due to the gift of a tie or brooch on joining the scheme, your benefits exceed the HMRC allowance.

T&RA Benefactors

  • Mike Allaway
  • Zandy Anton
  • Robert Appleby
  • Tayt Baldwin
  • Robin Barlow
  • Clive Barnes
  • Andrew Beeson
  • Jonathan Bliss
  • David Brazier
  • Con Bridgeman
  • Michael Brooks
  • Nicholas Browne
  • James Bruce
  • Miles Buckinghamshire
  • George Calvocoressi
  • Tom Carew Hunt
  • Paul Cattermull
  • Tim Cockroft
  • James Coyne
  • Charles D'Oyly
  • Richard Dalzell
  • Nick Danby
  • Jean De Pourtales
  • Graham Defries
  • Dominic Delaforce
  • Justin Dowley
  • Charlie Foreman
  • David Fortune
  • Tony Friend
  • Alan Giddins
  • David Godfray
  • Christopher Green
  • Andrew Hamilton
  • Brendan Hegarty
  • Maggie Henderson-Tew
  • Hans-Jörg Hinkel
  • Alex Hoare
  • Christopher Hopton
  • Lord Anthony Hothfield
  • Michael Hough
  • Michael Howard
  • Charles Hue Williams
  • Mark Hue Williams
  • Nigel Hurst Brown
  • Quintin Ings-Chambers
  • Adam Inselbuch
  • John Kemp-Welch
  • Mark Landau
  • Michael Lingens
  • Alan Lovell
  • Peter Luck-Hille
  • Richard MacAlister
  • Michael Magnay
  • Peter Mallinson
  • William Maltby
  • Simon Mansfield
  • Graeme Marks
  • Christie Marrian
  • Alastair Maxwell
  • Patrick Maxwell
  • Tim Maxwell
  • James McDermott
  • John McVittie
  • Ben Mekie
  • Tim Milligan
  • David Mills
  • Stephen Morant
  • Sir Geoffrey Mulcahy
  • Paul Nicholls
  • David Norman
  • Colm O'Shea
  • Adrian Paterson
  • Ronald Paterson
  • Giles Pemberton
  • Deane Pennick
  • Richard Pettit
  • Roger Pilgrim
  • Tim Pilkington
  • John Prenn
  • Richard Prosser
  • Gareth Quarry
  • Mark Rayner
  • Sir John Ritblat
  • Lesley Ronaldson
  • Fred Satow
  • Doug Sheperdigian
  • John Shneerson
  • Christopher Snell
  • Carl Snitcher
  • Lord John Suffield
  • Charles Swallow
  • Christopher Swan
  • Jamie Turner
  • Richard Vallat
  • Chris Vigrass
  • David Watkins
  • David Watson
  • Jill Whitehouse
  • John Whiting
  • Forman Wickes
  • Willie Wilks
  • Gordon Woodman